The bathroom-bamboo

Bamboo root Table mirrorBamboo root Table mirror

Bamboo root Table mirror

€ 1.515,00 € 1.515,00
Bamboo root Shaving brush - BambooBamboo root Shaving brush - Bamboo

Bamboo root Shaving brush

€ 257,00 € 257,00
Bamboo root Shaving brushBamboo root Shaving brush

Bamboo root Shaving brush

€ 118,00 € 118,00
Shaving mugShaving mug

Bamboo root Shaving mug

€ 740,00 € 740,00
Dispenser per saponeDispenser per sapone

Bamboo root Gel dispenser

€ 920,00 € 920,00
Porta saponetta da toilettePorta saponetta da toilette

Bamboo root Toilet soap tray

€ 560,00 € 560,00
Completo manicure da toiletteCompleto manicure da toilette

Bamboo root Toilet manicure set

€ 1.550,00 € 1.550,00
Cubo porta fazzolettiCubo porta fazzoletti

Bamboo root Cube tissue box

€ 860,00 € 860,00
Porta fazzoletti rettangolarePorta fazzoletti rettangolare

Bamboo root Rectangular tissue box

€ 1.030,00 € 1.030,00
Vuotatasche bagnoVuotatasche bagno

Bamboo root Vide poche

€ 1.255,00 € 1.255,00


Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.