Stag antlers

Stag antlers are deciduous bones growing seasonally. For this reason, in the ancient Celtic culture the beautiful stag antlers were considered as an important symbol: they represented life, rebirth and the passing of time. The antlers collected at the end of winter are very solid and require a complex processing procedure, which results in the creation of elegant and country-like objects.

Porta saponetta da toilettePorta saponetta da toilette

Stag antler Toilet soap tray

€ 615,00 € 615,00
Dispenser per saponeDispenser per sapone

Stag antler Gel dispenser

€ 920,00 € 920,00
Vuotatasche bagnoVuotatasche bagno

Stag antler Vide poche

€ 1.290,00 € 1.290,00
Stag antler Shaving brushStag antler Shaving brush

Stag antler Shaving brush

€ 98,00 € 98,00
Stag antler Shaving brush - StagStag antler Shaving brush - Stag

Stag antler Shaving brush

€ 271,00 € 271,00
Servo muto da guardarobaServo muto da guardaroba

Stag antler Wardrobe valet

€ 5.375,00 € 5.375,00

Roe deer antler Shoehorn

€ 484,00 € 484,00

Roe deer antler Shoehorn

€ 330,00 € 330,00

Stag antler Money clip

€ 162,00 € 162,00
Stag antler Garden secateurStag antler Garden secateur

Stag antler Garden secateur

€ 660,00 € 660,00
Stag antler Sewing boxStag antler Sewing box

Stag antler Sewing box

€ 2.575,00 € 2.575,00
Cofanetto porta gioie da uomoCofanetto porta gioie da uomo

Stag antler Men's jewelry coffret

€ 1.805,00 € 1.805,00
Cubo porta fazzolettiCubo porta fazzoletti

Stag antler Cube tissue box

€ 870,00 € 870,00
Porta fazzoletti rettangolarePorta fazzoletti rettangolare

Stag antler Rectangular tissue box

€ 1.045,00 € 1.045,00
Porta fotografiePorta fotografie

Stag antler Picture frame

€ 910,00 € 910,00
Completo scrivaniaCompleto scrivania

Stag antler Desk set

€ 2.105,00 € 2.105,00
Lente scrivaniaLente scrivania

Stag antler Magnifying glass

€ 354,00 € 354,00
Righello scrivaniaRighello scrivania

Roe deer antler Ruler

€ 220,00 € 220,00


Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.