Lorenzi Milano ALL-VAT Calfskin Champagne travelling box Lorenzi Milano ALL-VAT Calfskin Champagne travelling box

Codice 6.003.05

Calfskin Champagne travelling box

€ 3.460,00 € 3.460,00
The pleasure of enjoying a sparkling luxury, the magic of a moment to share. A suitcase which, like the one of an illusionist, promises unexpected wonders. An elegant wooden container covered with calf leather contains the essentials for a special tête-à-tête toast: two Champagne flutes, one cap opener pliers, an hermetic seal cap and a bottle cooler container with removable ice holder.

The delivered item may be slightly different from the product shown in the picture. For more information about this product please write to us at: ecommerce@lorenzi-milano.com

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La pelle di vitello impiegata è molto resistente all’umidità e garantisce un’ottima protezione da accidentali macchie. Nel caso in cui la superficie debba essere comunque pulita si può utilizzare un panno inumidito con detergenti delicati. La pelle fornisce, inoltre, una buona protezione dei raggi solari. Le parti metalliche presenti nel prodotto non possono essere pulite con sostanze abrasive ma semplicemente utilizzando un panno di pelle di daino o, nel caso di persistenza di macchie o aloni, un panno di cotone inumidito in alcol denaturato.

The calf leather employed is very resistant to moisture and guarantees an excellent protection against accidental stains. In case the surface should nevertheless be cleaned, a cloth dampened with mild detergents may be used. Furthermore, the skin provides a good protection against the sunrays. The metal parts are not to be cleaned with abrasive substances but simply by using a buckskin cloth, or else in the case of persistent stains or smudges, with a cotton cloth dampened in denatured alcohol.


cm 25×19×40h
Le dimensioni possono leggermente discostarsi in quanto i prodotti sono realizzati artigianalmente.


Vitello, Vetro, Legno, Acciaio inox


cm 25×19×40h
All our products are handcrafted therefore the measurements can be slightly different.


Calfskin, Wood, Glass, Stainless steel


Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.

Product care

Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.


Every products is made to last