Lorenzi Milano Pocket knifes Mammoth Mammoth pocket knife Lorenzi Milano Pocket knifes Mammoth Mammoth pocket knife

Codice M3.229.48

Mammoth Mammoth pocket knife

€ 1.585,00 € 1.585,00
A symbol of strength and adventurous spirit, this penknife with Damascus steel blade ideally contains the tools you need to handle any unexpected events along the way. Decorated with two Mammoth tusk elements to enhance its powerful, immortal nature.

(Since the mammoth is a unique material, the items available may be different in colors and shades from the one shown in the picture. Before proceeding with the purchase, we kindly ask you to ask us for a photo to show you the available item).

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The delivered item may be slightly different from the product shown in the picture. For more information about this product please write to us at: ecommerce@lorenzi-milano.com

The products you wish to return must be intact and must not show any sign of use. You can not return the products that come into contact with food or body secretions such as razors, brushes, combs etc...
Shipments are made by standard or express DHL couriers. The shipping costs of the products are charged to the customers. Any additional costs for customs clearance is borne by the buyer; Lorenzi Milano can not predict the amount of such costs over which he has no control.

La zanna di mammut utilizzata per la manifattura di questo oggetto è materiale delicato e molto fragile. Inoltre, nonostante il suo invecchiamento risalga a oltre diecimila anni fa, il materiale rimane ancora molto sensibile ai cambiamenti di umidità e temperatura. Per evitare rotture e fessurazioni è importante conservare l'oggetto in condizioni stabili evitandogli sbalzi repentini di condizioni climatiche. La pulizia deve avvenire a secco risparmiando l'uso di alcun prodotto liquido. La pelle impiegata per la manifattura di questo oggetto è piuttosto robusta e non presenta particolari problemi di manutenzione. All’occorrenza può essere curata con un balsamo nutriente. Le parti metalliche presenti nel prodotto non possono essere pulite con sostanze abrasive ma semplicemente utilizzando un panno di pelle di daino o, nel caso di persistenza di macchie o aloni, un panno di cotone inumidito in alcol denaturato.

The Zebu horn is material which is sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. Being a natural substance, its color could fade, and it might lose its original shine over time, especially as regards those objects which often come in contact with water. Heat sources (radiators, flames, halogen lamps, etc.) might cause torsions and defoliation. In case of dehydration we recommend the periodic application of a thin layer of ecological linseed oil or Vaseline, using a dry pad. Washing, when required, must be done by hand, with lukewarm water and mild detergents. Do not leave the material to soak and dry it thoroughly before storing it. The metal parts are not to be cleaned with abrasive substances but simply by using a buckskin cloth, or else in the case of persistent stains or smudges, with a cotton cloth dampened in denatured alcohol.

cm 8
cm 10
Le dimensioni possono leggermente discostarsi in quanto i prodotti sono realizzati artigianalmente.

Mammut, Damasco

Ai sensi della normativa vigente italiana, gli strumenti da taglio vengono considerati come utensili da lavoro destinati ad uso domestico, agricolo, scientifico, sportivo, industriale e attività simili, a prescindere dalla dimensione della lama.
La detenzione in casa è libera e il porto soggiace alla presenza di un giustificato motivo.
Nel caso in cui tali strumenti vengano spediti al di fuori dei confini italiani, ognuno si deve attenere alle normative che ne disciplinano l’utilizzo nel proprio paese.

cm 8
cm 10
All our products are handcrafted therefore the measurements can be slightly different.

Mammoth , Damascus steel

According to current Italian legislation, cutting tools are considered as work tools intended for domestic, agricultural, scientific, sports, industrial and similar activities, regardless of the size of the blade.
Detention at home is free and the use is subject to the presence of a justified reason.
If these instruments are shipped outside the Italian borders, everyone must comply with the regulations governing their use in their own country.


Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.

Product care

Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.


Every products is made to last