Lorenzi Milano Bamboo root Letter opener

Codice 4.007.17

Bamboo root Letter opener

€ 157,38 € 192,00
A craftsmanship which dusts off the romantic soul of an as much loved as often outclassed material; the paperknife in stainless steel is made with a shiny handle in bamboo, which enhances the natural warmth of its knots. Its blade is moderately sharp, for the exclusive use and consumption of the material for which it was created.

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La radice di bambù è materiale elastico ma sensibile ai cambiamenti di temperatura ed umidità. Essendo sostanza naturale potrà, nel tempo, e soprattutto per quegli oggetti soventemente a contatto con acqua, appassire nel colore e perdere la sua lucentezza originale. Fonti di calore (termosifoni, fiamme, lampade alogene ecc.) possono causare deformazioni o torsioni. In caso di disidratazione consigliamo l’applicazione periodica, tramite un tampone asciutto, di un sottile strato di olio di lino ecologico o di vaselina Le parti metalliche presenti nel prodotto non possono essere pulite con sostanze abrasive ma semplicemente utilizzando un panno di pelle di daino o, nel caso di persistenza di macchie o aloni, un panno di cotone inumidito in alcol denaturato.

The bamboo root is an elastic material, yet sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. Being a natural substance, it might fade in color and lose its original shine over time, especially as regards those objects which often come in contact with water. Heat sources (radiators, flames, halogen lamps, etc.) might cause deformations or torsions. In case of dehydration we recommend a periodic application of a thin layer of ecological linseed oil or Vaseline, using a dry pad. The metal parts are not to be cleaned with abrasive substances but simply by using a buckskin cloth, or else in the case of persistent stains or smudges, with a cotton cloth dampened in denatured alcohol.


cm 24
Le dimensioni possono leggermente discostarsi in quanto i prodotti sono realizzati artigianalmente.


Bambù, Acciaio inox


cm 24
All our products are handcrafted therefore the measurements can be slightly different.


Bamboo root, Stainless steel


Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.

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Our collections stem from skillful crafting, care for the detail and respect for complex and delicate materials that need confidence and mastery to be shaped.


Every products is made to last