Codice 6.053.18
Wood Ice bucket
Made of blown glass, with cover in chromed brass, it is made unique by the precious handcrafted deer antler details. The lid is designed to perfectly hold the ice tongs, while on the bottom a plate in pierced chromed brass allows the filtering of the water while keeping it separated from the ice.
Ice tong not included. You can buy it separately in the 'Ice Bucket' collection.
Il lavaggio, ove richiesto, va effettuato a mano, con acqua tiepida e detersivi delicati. Non lasciate a mollo il materiale e asciugatelo accuratamente prima di riporlo. Occasionalmente, potrebbero apparire minuscole bollicine nel vetro. Esse sono dovute al procedimento di soffiatura artigianale del materiale e fanno parte delle caratteristiche di unicità di questi prodotti. (PINZA NON INCLUSA)
Washing, when required, must be done by hand, with lukewarm water and mild detergents. Do not leave the material to soak and dry it thoroughly before storing it. Occasionally, tiny bubbles may appear in the glass. They are due to the artisanal blowing process of the material and are part of the uniqueness features of these products. (TONG NOT INCLUDED)
cm 18×18h
Le dimensioni possono leggermente discostarsi in quanto i prodotti sono realizzati artigianalmente.
Legno, Ebano makassar
cm 18×18h
All our products are handcrafted therefore the measurements can be slightly different.
Wood, Makassar ebony
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